Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers- a Conservative Approach to the Smile of Your Dreams

Your smile is the first thing people notice about you, so why not put your best foot forward? Many people struggle with discoloration, misalignment, grinding and wearing of teeth, or dissatisfaction with the general shape and look of their teeth. A viable treatment option for many people wanting to revitalize their smile is dental veneers in DC. If you would like to learn more about dental veneers, get in touch with b. dental studios by calling to make an appointment for a consultation today!

What Are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin, beautifully translucent shells of high quality porcelain that are permanently cemented onto the teeth to change the size, color, position, and/or shape of them. A highly qualified Cosmetic Dentist, like Dr. Boysen, is best suited to help determine the perfect fit, shade, and shape of dental veneers to best complement your face and smile. Dental Veneers in McLean or in DC are a great way to brighten and improve your smile.

Benefits of Dental Veneers

  • Can correct shade or color discrepancies in teeth
  • Can restore misaligned or worn down teeth to a beautiful, natural shape and position
  • Can help to protect teeth prone to staining or breakdown
  • Provide you with the confidence and happiness to smile brightly

Are You a Good Candidate for Dental Veneers?

While Dental Veneers are a wonderful solution for many, it may not always be the treatment option best suited for each individual’s needs. In order to determine whether or not dental veneers are right for you, you must have an evaluation done by our Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Boysen at b. dental studios. You are likely to be a good candidate for dental veneers if:

  • You are considered to be in good overall health
  • You are interested in improving the aesthetic outcome of your smile
  • You have been evaluated and show no signs of aggressive decay or cavities
  • You take good care of your oral hygiene at home
  • You do not suffer from severe grinding or bruxism