Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign Dentist

Invisalign - No Need to Hide Your Smile Anymore!

It’s no secret: everyone wants a straight, beautifully aligned smile. Whether you’ve never had any orthodontic work and want to correct your crowding, spacing, or bite, or you've had braces in the past and your teeth have shifted, clear aligner therapy may be a perfect option for you. Dr. Maria Boysen, our Invisalign Dentist in Washington, DC, can help you get started on your journey to a straighter smile!

Straighter Teeth are just a Phone Call Away

We also offer Invisalign in McLean, VA, at our McLean b. dental studios location. Dr. Boysen can help determine the right treatment option for you. By calling either of our office locations, we can set you up with an immediate consultation to get you started with your treatment.

Why go with Invisalign?

If you are deemed to be a candidate for clear aligner therapy, you’ll see many advantages to other orthodontic options, like metal braces.

Advantages of Invisalign

  • Virtually unnoticeable in public, as opposed to metal brackets
  • Aligners are removable- meaning easier hygiene maintenance at home
  • You can see your virtual treatment plan and tooth movement before you begin therapy
  • Straightens teeth more predictably and more comfortably

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Call our office in Mclean, VA or in Washington, DC for an Invisalign consultation with Dr. Boysen, Invisalign Certified Dentist, today! Straighter teeth and a beautiful smile are just a phone call away.